Transport / Spedycja / Logistyka

Supply Chain Specialist / Specjalista ds. Łańcucha Dostaw

Warszawa, mazowieckie
umowa o pracę

Your responsibilities:

– Regular contact with the customer, setting the delivery plan for the coming weeks and resolving ongoing problems with product availability,

– Regular reporting on the status of product availability

– Monitoring the production plan and coordinating timed deliveries from the factory/warehouse to the customer,

– Reporting and supporting the execution of weekly and monthly sales plans,

– Monitoring performance and analysing KPIs and then implementing actions for improvement,

– Initiating, planning and implementing new supply chain projects,

– Preparing and running a regular weekly meeting as directed,

– Working closely with the sales and product management team,

– Data analysis – Excel, SAP.


– Experience gained in a similar position in a dynamic environment,

– Ability to identify critical/risk points in the process and suggest solutions,

– Knowledge of supply chain,

– Very good knowledge of MS Excel and basic SAP,

– Very good knowledge of English to enable daily communication.

What we offer:

– A job in an international company with an established market position,

– Employment based on an employment contract, basic salary depending on

experience and an attractive bonus system based on the achievement of business objectives,

– Work tools: telephone and laptop and a rich package of non-wage benefits (medical care,

medical care, Multisport card, lunch card, life insurance and others),

– Opportunity to co-create the brand and access to its latest solutions and products.


The offer is for a period of 18 months with a real chance of continued cooperation.

Rekrutację prowadzi

Jolanta Drozdowska

Podobne oferty

Transport / Spedycja / Logistyka

Młodszy Specjalista ds. Logistyki

Szczecin, zachodniopomorskie
umowa o pracę

Transport / Spedycja / Logistyka

Asystent ds. Eksportu w Dziale Logistyki

Warszawa, mazowieckie
umowa o pracę

Transport / Spedycja / Logistyka

Analityk Sprzedaży / Planista Popytu

Poznań, wielkopolskie
umowa o pracę

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