HRK Real Estate & Construction

We recruit the best experts in the construction and real estate industry.

Dwóch inżynierów na budowie
We run effective recruitment processes
With the top and proven recruitment tools in hand, versatile experience of our consultants and wide network of relations with candidates, we are able to recruit talents quickly and effectively.
HRK Real Estate & Construction in numbers:

Are you looking for a job in the construction industry?
Check current offers.

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Recruitment of specialists in construction and real estate
For our clients, we are looking for designers, engineers and managers in every discipline of civil engineering, including public and private buildings, transport infrastructure: roads, railroads, bridges, pipelines, ports and airports. Moreover our track record of experiences consist of hiring experts for public utility facilities such as water supply and treatment, sewage treatment, electrical grid or geotechnical engineering. We are experts in recruiting specialists in real estate industry. We search for top talents in valuation, sales, acquisition, leasing or asset and property management. We recruit employees for companies operating in Poland and globally. We belong to the Polish Association of Construction Employers.

On daily basis we fill the positions such as below and many more:

  • President of the Board
  • Designer
  • Managing Director
  • Planner
  • Regional Director
  • Facility Manager
  • Project Manager/Director
  • Works Manager
  • Site Manager
  • Leasing Manager
  • BIM Manager
  • Expansion Specialist
  • Property Manager
  • Technical Manager

See offers in the Real Estate & Construction category

Current job offers


Grid Manager

Warszawa, mazowieckie
umowa o pracę

opublikowano 14 dni temu


Dyrektor Działu Magazynowego

Warszawa, mazowieckie
kontrakt B2B, umowa o pracę

opublikowano 14 dni temu


Inżynier ds. Roszczeń

Warszawa, mazowieckie
kontrakt B2B, umowa o pracę

opublikowano 14 dni temu

Recruit the best specialists with us

Thanks to many years of experience of our specialists and excellent knowledge of the industry, we source the best experts in the construction and real estate market for our clients.

Construction site

Team leader

Paweł Żywiec Senior Executive Manager

Paweł Żywiec

Executive Director, HRK Real Estate & Construction

The HRK Real Estate & Construction team recruits experts and managers for construction and real estate companies, as well as manufacturers of building materials and engineering companies.

Recruitment process

Our complex recruitment process allows us to select the right employee

  1. Candidate profile

    We create a candidate profile based on information obtained from the client

  2. Networking & Search

    We search for candidates who meet the requirements and verify their experience

  3. Shortlist presentation

    We select and present candidates who meet the client's expectations and are motivated to change jobs

  4. Meetings of candidates with the future employer

    Interviews with the client’s representatives

  5. Assessment Center

    In selected recruitment projects, it is possible to diagnose candidates' competences using an assessment center

  6. Submitting the offer to the successful candidate

    We support clients in the process of negotiations with the selected candidate

  7. Feedback to candidates engaged in the process

    After the process, we provide feedback to all candidates participating in the process

Know How

Read the articles
about recruitment

Familiarize yourself with the reports and articles we have prepared on the subject of construction.

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report hrk, Reports12.05.2022

Employees e-mobility Poland

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Expectations of IT employees towards employers in Łódź

IT industry, Reports07.07.2023

Expectations of IT employees towards employers in Łódź

Czytaj dalej
headhunting - na czym polega

headhunting, Articles13.01.2023

Headhunting – what is it?

Czytaj dalej

Let's talk

After receiving your inquiry, our expert responsible for the area you are interested in will contact you.
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