Articles, job interview, recruitment, recruitment tips, 05.01.2024

What questions to ask the recruiter?

4 min.

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A job interview is a crucial moment in the job search process, during which the candidate has not only the opportunity to present their skills but also to gain insight into the company and its culture. It is worth noting that the questions you ask the recruiter play a significant role in this dialogue. They can either portray you in a positive light or, conversely, deter the hiring process. So, what questions should you ask to gain optimal knowledge and present yourself favorably?

From this article, you will learn:

  • how to prepare for a job interview,
  • what the recruitment process looks like,
  • why it’s valuable to ask questions during a job interview,
  • what questions to ask the recruiter.

How to prepare for a job interview?

Before we discuss specific questions, let’s consider how to prepare for a job interview properly. What can you do to ensure you handle the job interview well?

  1. The first step is to thoroughly understand the company you are applying to. Learning about the company’s history, values, mission, and current events will help you establish a connection with the interviewer. Moreover, you may be asked during the interview what you already know about the company and why you are applying for this position and to this particular company. Therefore, it’s essential to prepare an answer. Familiarize yourself with the company’s website, but also check its social media channels.
  2. The next step is a comprehensive analysis of the requirements stated in the job advertisement, which will enable you to tailor your presentation to the employer’s expectations. Check carefully what skills are required and which ones are desirable. Perhaps you can also acquire new skills before going for the job interview. Sometimes, watching a few tutorials is enough to boast about your knowledge of a new tool necessary for the new job.
  3. Think carefully about what you want to say about yourself and how. Consider your strengths and achievements that make you proud. Also, think about the challenges you have faced.

What is the recruitment process like?

It’s worth noting that the recruitment process consists of several stages. After submitting application documents, the candidate may meet with the recruiter at the preselection stage, then undergo a job interview, and finally participate in a conversation with the human resources department representative or future supervisor.

Currently, it is increasingly common for the first interview to take the form of a phone call, and the subsequent one could be an online meeting. You may also be asked to complete a trial task.

Recruitment Interview – What are its parts?

The job interview usually consists of three parts. The first one is the recruiter’s conversation with the candidate, during which the recruiter presents basic information about the company and the job offer. Then, they ask questions to find out as much as possible about you and your professional experience. They may ask you for a brief summary of your career and successes in the industry. Finally, it’s time for your questions.

Many candidates completely overlook this stage, not asking any questions at all. However, it’s worth thinking about them before the interview because they are an essential part of the job interview.

What questions to ask the recruiter?

The moment when the candidate and the recruiter switch roles can completely change the dynamics of the meeting. The person who was previously answering questions now becomes the one asking, which significantly affects the candidate’s perception. This is an important moment that shapes your image as a potential employee. It’s also a good opportunity to rectify any previous mistakes.

It's not only about asking questions but also addressing important recruitment aspects.

Careful consideration of questions helps avoid trivial issues and enables dealing with situations where all important matters have already been discussed.

10 questions worth asking the recruiter

Below you’ll find a list of 10 sample questions worth asking the recruiter along with their explanations. They may prove helpful in preparing for your upcoming job interview.

1. What does a typical workday look like in this position?

This question will allow you to better understand your future responsibilities. It will help you find out exactly what is expected of you and what challenges are worth preparing for.

2. What skills are particularly valued in the team?

Sometimes, additional skills are needed in a job, whether social or technical, such as conflict resolution.

3. What is the employee evaluation process like, and what are the prospects for advancement?

This way, you’ll show that you are not only interested in employment but also in long-term development prospects in the company. You’ll also learn about the chances of acquiring new skills.

4. Does the company focus on employee professional development?

This is an extension of the previous question. It should be particularly important for those who are not only interested in stable employment and income but also in their own development. It’s worth finding out if the company invests in training and development of its employees and how often it does so.

5. What is the average tenure of employees in the company?

This question allows you to see if the company is a place where employees usually stay longer. The answer also reflects the employer’s attitude towards employees.

6. Is there an opportunity for remote work or flexible hours?

It’s worth asking about the company’s policy regarding remote work and flexible start times, especially if the nature of your work allows it.

7. What non-monetary bonuses does the company provide to employees?

Today, companies offer employees a variety of additional benefits. Most often, this includes life insurance, health insurance, Multisport Card, or subsidies for foreign language lessons or vacations. It’s worth asking what benefits the company offers.

8. How does the company support the work-life balance of its employees?

You can deepen this question and ask about overtime: whether it is required and whether it is paid. Does the company require commitment beyond working hours, for example, in activities it engages in?

9. Can I learn more about the team I will be working with?

This will show that you also care about relationships with other employees.

10. What are the next stages of recruitment?

Finally, you can ask about the planned next steps in the recruitment process. Find out how many stages are planned, how long it might take to make a decision, and when you can expect feedback. It’s worth emphasizing that you hope for contact regardless of the results of the recruitment process.

It should be remembered that these questions are only suggestions, and the candidate should adjust them to their individual needs and expectations.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions during the job interview!

Preparing questions shows that the candidate approaches the interview professionally and with an understanding of the company’s values. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that you will come across as too inquisitive. On the contrary, specifics in a job interview are appreciated. So take advantage of your right to ask questions. It will show that you are determined and know what you want.

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