HRK Engineering & Manufacturing

The HRK Engineering & Manufacturing team specializes in recruitment for positions related to engineering and technologies in the manufacturing sector.

With us you will find talents
We are searching for employees on behalf of companies in the automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, chemical, plastics, pharmaceutical, packaging, building materials, recycling, heating and sanitary industries.
HRK Engineering & Manufacturing in numbers

Looking for a job in engineering or manufacturing?
Check current offers.

View current offers
Professionalism and business experience
Our wide range of tools verifying the competences of candidates and the technical knowledge of our consultants enable us to undertake the most demanding projects, often in hermetic industries and for new positions entering the market.
Every year, in the technical industry, we recruit over 200 people, mostly managers.

On behalf of our clients, we have filled, among others, the following positions:

  • Department Director
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Production Manager
  • Engineering Manager
  • Maintenance Manager
  • Quality Manager
  • Investment Manager
  • Lean Manager
  • Project Manager
  • R&D Engineer
  • Continuous Improvement Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Automation Engineer
  • Facility Engineer

Are you looking for new challenges? Check what recruitments we are currently conducting!

Current job offers

Kontrola jakości


Kierownik Jakości – branża spożywcza

Kalisz, wielkopolskie

opublikowano dziś

Technical Sales & Service


Sales Engineer Data Center

Poznań, wielkopolskie
umowa o pracę

opublikowano wczoraj



Doradca Techniczno – Handlowy

Przasnysz, mazowieckie

opublikowano wczoraj

Trust expert knowledge

Thanks to many years of experience and expertise of HRK Engineering & Manufacturing, we can support new investors entering the market. Our team successfully strengthens employers in the times of expansion and relocation of competences to Poland and Europe.

spawacz, spawanie, fabryka, iskry

Team leader

Marcin Iwaniec Senior Executive Director

Marcin Iwaniec

Senior Executive Director, HRK Engineering & Manufacturing

The HRK Engineering & Manufacturing team specializes in recruitment for positions related to engineering and technology application in the industrial sector.

The recruitment process

Our recruitment process

  1. Candidate profile

    We create a candidate profile based on information obtained from the client

  2. Networking & Search

    We search for candidates who meet the requirements and verify their experience

  3. Shortlist presentation

    We select and present candidates who meet the client's expectations and are motivated to change jobs

  4. Meetings of candidates with the future employer

    Interviews with the client’s representatives

  5. Assessment Center

    In selected recruitment projects, it is possible to diagnose candidates' competences using an assessment center

  6. Submitting the offer to the successful candidate

    We support clients in the process of negotiations with the selected candidate

  7. Feedback to candidates engaged in the process

    After the process, we provide feedback to all candidates participating in the process

Know How

Read the articles
about recruitment

Read our reports, articles, watch our webinars.

Elastyczny manager, cechy dobrego managera,

leader, Articles12.08.2021

Flexible manager

Czytaj dalej
headhunting - na czym polega

headhunting, Articles13.01.2023

Headhunting – what is it?

Czytaj dalej
e-mobility of polish employees

report hrk, Reports12.05.2022

Employees e-mobility Poland

Czytaj dalej

Let's talk

After receiving your inquiry, our expert responsible for the area you are interested in will contact you.
Write to us
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Administratorem przekazanych danych osobowych jest HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-095), Plac Bankowy 2. Pełną informacje na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdują się w naszej Polityce prywatności.