Reports, 14.03.2024
Expectations of IT Employees in 2024

We are pleased to present our report “Expectations of IT employees in 2024”. In this publication, we focus on the opportunities and difficulties that the IT industry is facing. The information presented in the report shows the current state of the labor market in the information technology sector, the remuneration levels people employed in this industry can expect, as well as the present and expected trends in IT.
The IT sector, which was growing rapidly in past years, has recently decelerated. The economic slowdown, and thus lower dynamics in IT, was mainly induced by inflation and geopolitical destabilization. In the report, we provide comprehensive knowledge about the current situation of the industry from the perspective of employees. We have included information on preferred forms of employment, work models, the most popular non-wage benefits, work on a contracting basis, etc.
We are convinced that the report will become a valuable source of knowledge and will allow for a better understanding of the current situation on the IT labor market.