

Health contribution for entrepreneurs from 2025 and changes for 2026

career, Articles05.03.2025

Health contribution for entrepreneurs from 2025 and changes for 2026

Czytaj dalej
KSEF - when will it arrive and what does it mean for the entrepreneurs?

job market, Articles20.02.2025

KSEF – when will it arrive and what does it mean for the entrepreneurs?

Czytaj dalej
IT Researcher - salaries, requirements, career path

career, Articles13.02.2025

IT Researcher – salaries, requirements, career path

Czytaj dalej
Junior in IT - how to search effectively and find your first job?

career, Articles06.02.2025

Junior in IT – how to search effectively and find your first job?

Czytaj dalej
Special leave on the occasion of the birth of a child

career, Articles16.01.2025

Special leave on the occasion of the birth of a child

Czytaj dalej
IT sectors with the highest demand for employees - market analysis

career, Articles30.12.2024

IT sectors with the highest demand for employees – market analysis

Czytaj dalej
Christmas Eve as a day off work, but not until 2025

career, Articles17.12.2024

Christmas Eve as a day off work, but not until 2025

Czytaj dalej
Understanding Employee Turnover – Challenges and Management Strategies

career, Articles29.11.2024

Understanding Employee Turnover – Challenges and Management Strategies

Czytaj dalej
A New Era of Work-Life Balance

career, Articles21.11.2024

A New Era of Work-Life Balance

Czytaj dalej
Digital Marketing Manager – Everything You Need to Know

career, Articles13.11.2024

Digital Marketing Manager – Everything You Need to Know

Czytaj dalej
Which IT Studies to Choose to Find Your Dream Job?

career, Articles05.11.2024

Which IT Studies to Choose to Find Your Dream Job?

Czytaj dalej
IT Business Partner – Requirements, Career, and Earnings

career, Articles25.10.2024

IT Business Partner – Requirements, Career, and Earnings

Czytaj dalej
Wyświetlanie 1 - 12 z 15 rezultatów


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