Transport & Logistics

We recruit employees for the Transport & Logistics industry and companies that have supply chain and purchasing departments in their structure.

Usługi HR dla branży transportu i logistyki

Over 250 companies in our client portfolio

The Transport & Logistics Team was created in response to the market needs and the growing requirements of supply chain employees. Our consultants know the specifics of various roles and positions in the Transport & Logistics area, thanks to which can conduct recruitment processes involving people open to relocation in Poland.


We also support Transport & Logistics companies in assessing their employees’ potential and effectively using their competences at work. As part of the payroll consulting service, we also provide comprehensive personnel administration and remuneration services for companies in this industry.

How do we help companies in the Transport & Logistics industry?

  • Low level of soft skills
  • Limited company brand recognition
  • Acquiring employees for the project
  • Little employee involvement
  • Switching to remote work
  • Psychological problems among employees
  • Failure to reach candidates
  • Building managerial competences

Transport & Logistics services

Comprehensive HR services for Transport & Logistics

Thanks to many years of experience and high expertise of our team, we help companies operating in the Transport & Logistics industry to effectively manage HR processes.


We support companies in acquiring employees fitting in to their organizational culture.

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Executive Search

We support companies in hiring and assessing candidates for managerial positions.

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HR Consulting

We carry out projects in the area of HR consulting and diagnosis of employee and candidate competencies.

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Payroll Consulting

We provide services in the field of personnel and payroll administration.

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IT Contracting

We offer outsourcing of management staff and IT specialists.

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Media Service

We provide services in the field of publishing advertisements and planning recruitment campaigns.

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Do you want to talk
about your company needs?

Contact us

Trust the specialists

Logistics is an industry susceptible to changes dictated by, among others, consumer behavior influencing demand, regulatory and political factors, trends in approach to the environment. Therefore, experts are expected to be flexible, make quick decisions and solve problems efficiently.


We know how important it is for candidates to have soft skills, but also to meet the expectations regarding hard skills. Our team is constantly expanding the Transport & Logistics talent database.

Usługi HR dla branży transportu i logistyki

Recruitment services

Marika Stasinowska Senior Executive Manager

Marika Stasinowska

Senior Executive Manager

HR services for companies operating in the Transport & Logistics industry.

Recuritment - Western Poland

Paweł Posachowicz

Team Manager

HR services for companies operating in the Transport & Logistics industry.

Recruitment - Southern Poland

Anna Wygaś

Senior Executive Manager

HR services for companies operating in the Transport & Logistics industry.

HR Consulting services

Justyna Lipowska

Senior Executive Manager

HR services for companies operating in the Transport & Logistics industry.

Payroll Consulting Services

Partnerka HRK Małgorzata Wiśniewska-Janus

Małgorzata Wiśniewska-Janus

Managing Partner

HR services for companies operating in the Transport & Logistics industry.

IT Contracting services

Bolesław Kołtonowski Executive Manager

Bolesław Kołtonowski

Executive Manager

HR services for companies operating in the Transport & Logistics industry.

Are you looking for a job in transport, logistics or specification?

Check out our clients' job offers!

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Produkcja / Inżynieria


Koordynator Lean

Tczew, pomorskie
kontrakt B2B, umowa o pracę

opublikowano -1 dni temu



Inżynier Sprzedaży

Łódź, Kraków, łódzkie
kontrakt B2B, umowa o pracę

opublikowano dziś

Produkcja / Inżynieria

Kierownik Zakładu / Plant Manager

Mszczonów, mazowieckie
umowa o pracę

opublikowano 10 dni temu

Let's talk

After receiving your inquiry, our expert responsible for the area you are interested in will contact you.
Write to us

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Zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez firmę HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, pl. Bankowy 2, a tym samym na otrzymywanie na mój adres poczty elektronicznej informacji handlowych i marketingowych, materiałów o charakterze informacyjnym oraz promocyjnym, w szczególności raportów, e-booków, materiałów edukacyjnych. Udzielenie zgody jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do otrzymania raportu. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że w każdej chwili mogę wycofać swoją zgodę.

Administratorem przekazanych danych osobowych jest HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-095), Plac Bankowy 2. Pełną informacje na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdują się w naszej Polityce prywatności.