
The HRK team provides a wide range of HR services for companies operating in the construction and real estate industries. We carry out recruitment and HR consulting projects. We have experience in providing payroll services for companies in this sector.

Construction industry

Diverse portfolio of HR services for companies in the construction and real estate industries

Thanks to our diverse portfolio of HR services, we support companies from the construction industry both in the effective conduct of recruitment projects, in topics related to the assessment and development of employee competencies, as well as in personnel and payroll administration.

How do we help companies operating in the construction industry?

  • Effective recruitment of employees for both expert and managerial positions
  • Direct search projects for executive positions (executive search)
  • Support in building multilingual teams
  • Helping increase the number of people applying for job offers
  • Assessment of employees' potential and development of managerial competences
  • Assistance in building IT teams (outsourcing)
  • Payroll services (personnel and payroll administration)

HR services for the construction industry

Comprehensive HR services for the construction industry

Thanks to many years of experience and high expertise of our team, we help construction companies in the effective management of HR processes.


We support companies in acquiring employees fitting in to their organizational culture.

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Executive Search

We support companies in hiring and assessing candidates for managerial positions.

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HR Consulting

We carry out projects in the area of HR consulting and diagnosis of employee and candidate competencies.

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Payroll Consulting

We provide services in the field of personnel and payroll administration.

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IT Contracting

We offer outsourcing of management staff and IT specialists.

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Media Service

We provide services in the field of publishing advertisements and planning recruitment campaigns.

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Do you want to talk
about your company needs?

Contact us

Trust the specialists

For over 20 years we have been providing various HR services for clients in the construction and real estate industries. We have one of the most experienced recruitment teams on the market specializing in supporting construction companies. We work for general contractors, design offices, as well as real estate agencies and investment funds operating on the construction market. We have experience in the assessment and development of employees on behalf of construction and real estate market companies.

Our HRK Payroll Consulting team provides personnel and payroll administration services for clients operating in the construction and real estate industries.

pracownicy na budowie

Recruitment - Central Poland

Paweł Żywiec, Senior Executive Manager

Paweł Żywiec

Executive Director

HR services for companies in the construction and real estate industries.

Recruitmet - Southern Poland

Anna Wygaś

Senior Executive Manager

HR services for companies in the construction and real estate industries.

HR Consulting services

Justyna Lipowska

Executive Director

HR services for companies in the construction and real estate industries.

Payroll Consulting services

Partnerka HRK Małgorzata Wiśniewska-Janus

Małgorzata Wiśniewska-Janus

Managing Partner HRK Payroll Consulting

HR services for companies in the construction and real estate industries.

Are you looking for a job in the construction industry?

See our clients' job offers!

Produkcja / Inżynieria


Zastępca Kierownika Utrzymania Ruchu

Stargard, zachodniopomorskie
umowa o pracę

opublikowano -1 dni temu

Produkcja / Inżynieria


Programista CNC

Radom, mazowieckie
umowa o pracę

opublikowano -1 dni temu

Produkcja / Inżynieria


Project Management Officer (PMO)

Gdynia, pomorskie
kontrakt B2B, umowa o pracę

opublikowano -1 dni temu

Let's talk

After receiving your inquiry, our expert responsible for the area you are interested in will contact you.
Write to us

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Zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez firmę HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, pl. Bankowy 2, a tym samym na otrzymywanie na mój adres poczty elektronicznej informacji handlowych i marketingowych, materiałów o charakterze informacyjnym oraz promocyjnym, w szczególności raportów, e-booków, materiałów edukacyjnych. Udzielenie zgody jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do otrzymania raportu. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że w każdej chwili mogę wycofać swoją zgodę.

Administratorem przekazanych danych osobowych jest HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-095), Plac Bankowy 2. Pełną informacje na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdują się w naszej Polityce prywatności.