Executive Search

We support organizations in their search for competent leaders.

Demanding recruitment processes of management staff

The most efficient means of attracting high-class managers and encouraging them to engage in discussions about job opportunities is through direct search, executed by our most experienced consultants.

Transparency, great communication and understanding clients’ needs - these values distinguish us on the market
Piotr Mazurkiewicz
Managing Partner, Senior Executive Search Consultant
High expertise

The high expertise of the team is a guarantee of good comprehension and quality. Executive  Search processes  are carried out by our most qualified consultants, industry experts supporting Polish and international clients. In addition to the skills and experience of candidates, we also take into account their motivation, as well as their matching to the clients’ organizational culture and management style.

We are part of Kestria, the world's largest association of Executive Search companies.


Comprehensive service delivered
in a high-quality process

We work on the basis of the direct search method  – the result of our processes, in addition to employing a selected candidate, is a reliable mapping of the  selected industry and available candidates who meet the criteria defined by the client.


Candidate reports include the results of the competency and behavioral interview, as well as the candidate’s motivation and preferences regarding the company’s organizational culture.

At the client’s request, we carry out Executive Assessment, psychometric  and language tests.

Who provides Executive Search

Piotr Mazurkiewicz

Piotr Mazurkiewicz

Managing Partner, HRK S.A.

The HRK Executive Search team supports Polish and international companies in the recruitment of senior management.

HRK Executive Search Team

Executive Search processes are conducted by our most experienced experts.

Zbigniew Woźniakowski

Tomasz Sokołowski Wiceprezes

Tomasz Sokołowski

Piotr Uhlik Partner

Piotr Uhlik


Wojciech Malicki


Jacek Olejarz

Magdalena Bylinowicz Partnerka

Magdalena Bylinowicz

Marcin Iwaniec Senior Executive Director

Marcin Iwaniec

Senior Executive Director
Mateusz Bazydło Senior Executive Director

Mateusz Bazydło

Senior Executive Director

Paweł Żywiec

Executive Director
Mikołaj Zbudniewek Executive Director

Mikołaj Zbudniewek

Business Development Director
Anna Wygaś Executive Manager

Anna Wygaś

Senior Executive Manager
Ewelina Kołodziej-Władzińska Senior Executive Manager

Ewelina Kołodziej-Władzińska

Senior Executive Manager
Ewa Paprocka Senior Executive Manager

Ewa Paprocka

Senior Executive Manager
Marika Stasinowska Senior Executive Manager

Marika Stasinowska

Senior Executive Manager
Dorota Jankowska Executive Manager

Dorota Jankowska

Senior Executive Manager
Adrian Szymański Executive Manager

Adrian Szymański

Senior Executive Manager
Paweł Godlewski Executive Manager

Paweł Godlewski

Executive Manager

Angelika Grzyb

Executive Manager

Paweł Posachowicz

Executive Manager

Katarzyna Radgowska

Team Manager

Katarzyna Łucio

Team Manager

Patrycja Sidło

Team Manager

Róża Konopa

Team Manager

Izabela Jankowska

Team Manager

Paweł Smułek

Senior Client Partner

Łukasz Przywóski

Client Partner

Izabela Kochanowska

Senior Recruitment Business Partner
Know How

Read articles about recruitment

Read our reports, articles, watch our webinars.

Elastyczny manager, cechy dobrego managera,

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Flexible manager

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headhunting - na czym polega

headhunting, Articles13.01.2023

Headhunting – what is it?

Czytaj dalej

Let's talk

After receiving your inquiry, our expert responsible for the area you are interested in will contact you.
Write to us
The Executive Search service is supplemented
Executive Assessment - individual diagnosis of business and managerial competences
Within the framework of our Executive Assessment, we perform an individual evaluation of candidates' business and managerial competencies. The tools employed in this process empower both the client and the participant to gain insights into their strengths and areas for improvement.

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